Free Charles Erickson
You Can Help
Please "Like" and follow the Free Charles Erickson Facebook page. Be sure to check back often for updates on the case. We encourage all supporters to invite friends and family to like the page as well. 
Please sign the petition.
Governor Jay Nixon: Please grant Charles Erickson a new trial or release him.
Charles Erickson and Ryan Ferguson both received a prison sentence for the murder of Kent Heitholt.  Ryan recently had his conviction vacated yet Charles still sits in prison.  The same lack of evidence applies to Charles that applied to, the now free, Ryan Ferguson.
Support the Free Charles Erickson Legal Defense Fund

Marianne Erickson has set up a legal defense fund. According to Marianne, it is important to raise approximately $30,000 in funds to pay for expert investigations and expert court testimony, as well as other litigation expenses in order to successfully free Charlie. This information was originally posted on the Free Charles Erickson Facebook page. The owner of this website (Injustice Anywhere) is not involved in any way with the fund. The information provided here is for informational purposes only.
If you are able, Please send checks or money orders to:

Free Charles Erickson Legal Defense Fund
P.O. Box 10072,
Columbia, MO 65205

You can also make a donation using Paypal

Talk to Friends and Family About the Case

Charles desperately needs your help. Please help to raise awareness about this case by discussing the case with friends and family. You can use the website, the petition, and the Facebook page, to get the discussion started. Please tweet out information on the case using hash tag #FreeCharlesErickson.

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Please follow the Free Charles Erickson Twitter page. Be sure to check back often for updates on the case. 